Friday 4 July 2008


Friday evening. Which means the weekend is here. Which means, for this blog, no more o-bento till Monday. Sorry folks!

So the first week on my new (and first) job is already over. It's been a great week.

Ohh by the way, I got my first salary ever today! I'm so excited! What should I do with the money? I want to buy something that I can keep and remember as the first thing I bought with my first salary. How romantic - in a very materialistic kind of way..

So come on people, bring on the suggestions!


SeniiL said...

Put it in a glass bowl and keep the bowl on a pedestal! just like Von Anka!

Grats :P

Erajka said...

nice :D
You should buy more bento stuff, cause you know when I the next semester starts for me I simply have to have an obento challange with you XD

Soma said...

Haha bring it on, girl! :D